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Instantly Webify Your Legacy Applications

Legacy Applications & ERPs on same platform

Legacy apps are a thorn in the side of IT teams. Businesses still depend on these systems as they often meet critical needs and have been grandfathered into modern IT departments. As technology capabilities have shifted with the rise of the cloud, social, mobile and big data trends, legacy apps have moved from being annoying to a cost sink.

Organizations have generally had two choices:

  • Keep legacy apps as they are and deal with security risk, significant management overhead, and operational costs.
  • Migrate legacy apps into the cloud and take on an extremely costly, complex and time-consuming project.

Neither of these options are attractive, but cloud app platforms offer a great third option.

Our report, “Integrating Legacy Apps with HokuApps,” offers all the details you need to learn how to integrate legacy apps with the cloud in a cost-efficient way.

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Instantly Webify Your Legacy Applications
We can help you streamline your work that will drive your business forward. Get started with HokuApps today.