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Discover a Unified System For All Event Planning & Management Needs

A complete solution for venues, F&B, marketing, & HR, built for flexibility

Achieve Predicted Outcomes & Wow Clients With HokuApps For Events

Professional-grade services without 3rd-party dependencies
Complete essential tasks like marketing, payroll, or accounts management entirely in-house, giving your event business a clear upper hand.
Post-Event processes now simplified
Maintain detailed logs of every conversation & agreement, ironing out any doubts during negotiations, payments, and service delivery
Harness the power of digital
Now move traditionally manual tasks like temp staff payments or catering management to an integrated application environment for greater efficiency
Architecting Applications For Your Event Business
Event Management

Event Management

Make multitasking simple and efficient with our end-to-end event management solutions, processing every activity from a single interface
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Venue Management

Venue Management

Avoid double bookings & space under utilization with our smart layouting tools, staffing applications, and more, making every event absolutely flawless
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Catering Management

Catering Management

Balance great cuisines with fixed supply budgets, monitor produce & equipment flows, and adapt to dynamic prices with our catering tools
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Event Operations

Event Operations

Rewire your people & process management capabilities with our solutions for HR, payroll, marketing, and accounts, freeing resources for creative tasks
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Put Intelligence to Work In All Parts Of Your Event Business

Build custom event management app that enables to keep the attendees informed at all times & enables keep connected with their peers.
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Organize Seamlessly Across Stakeholders With Zero Conflict

An event’s success depends on human efforts, but with admin & ops occupying all your time, more strategic aspects are left unattended. HokuApps streamlines and integrates event workflows in a singular platform.
Use your resources smartly
Use your resources smartly
We help gain visibility into demand & supply, aligning resources to fulfill client needs, without any significant surplus.
Achieve a one-stop solution
Achieve a one-stop solution
HokuApps platform brings together every aspect of a 360-degree event business including venues & food into a single application.
Improve attendee convenience
Improve attendee convenience
We move your manual booking, registration & RSVP systems to a next-gen digital format, enabling data access anytime and anywhere.
Take better decisions
Take better decisions
We ensure every decision you take is informed & data-driven, based on historical event records analysis, as well as real-time KPIs
Expertly schedule sessions
Expertly schedule sessions
HokuApps removes the possibility of errors, duplication or double booking via shared visibility & collaborative dashboards
Reduce event costs
Reduce event costs
Our integrated budgeting, invoicing, and payroll applications streamline incoming/outgoing spends, ensuring profitability.
Customer Success Story

An Event App Helps This Association Improve Member Communication

This Association of certified accountants is committed to practicing and maintaining professional standards of the highest order. They hold events like exhibitions, conferences and seminars throughout the year which prompted the development of a feature-driven event app to improve member communication.
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Industry Trends & News

Event registration, management and communication made easy
Customer Story
Event registration, management and communication made easy
The custom event app augments audience engagement with unique features.
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