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HokuApps Built an Interactive Learning Application For Migrants to Cope With the COVID-19 Induced Isolation

Built an interactive learning application for refugees & migrants in Singapore.

Singapore, September 3, 2020

At a time when the raging Covid-19 pandemic has induced a sense of isolation in migrant laborers and refugees stranded in Singapore the SDI Academy stepped up with the HokuApps developed interactive learning platform. SDI Academy is well known in Singapore for their interactive learning programs that empower migrant workers and refugees with language, vocational and computer skills. Most migrants hailing from the Indian sub-continent and China face immense insecurity on account of physical and social isolation. The prevailing uncertainty of employment adds to their woes. SDI Academy reached out to these workers by extending their current solution to enable industries to connect with the migrant workers. HokuApps enabled this by rapidly scaling up the platform to accommodate new features and delivered it to be used in the Covid-19 situation.

To read press coverage, visit Yahoo Finance

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