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Track and Turn Inventory Faster

HokuApps offers real-time visibility into your inventory, so every stakeholder is always up-to-date on the latest information. Improve decision-making with our Warehouse Management apps.

One System for All your Warehouses

Warehouse management is a complex process, involving multiple stakeholders, touchpoints, and physical/digital assets. Technology can reduce costs, increase ease-of-use and allow customization of the platforms that you use every day. Partner with HokuApps to seamlessly connect your warehouse components and boost productivity.

Our solutions are trusted by warehouses across the globe.

HokuApps delivers tailored suites for warehouses of any size, whether multi-locational or single-site.
Purchase Management
Coordinate with suppliers, quotations and incoming shipments with an eye on every detail
Inventory Management
Create and manage orders from a single platform, with multi-channel integrations and barcodes for real-time tracking
Order Management
Simplify order entry and processing and synchronize with your distributor inventory with minimal efforts
Barcode & Labeling
Leverage the power of digital to get visibility into asset movements, warehouse KPIs and optimization areas

Monitor Your Warehouse in Real-Time with HokuApps

With so many fronts to look at, you don’t have the time to detect every small inefficiency or possible area of improvement. But these could add up to a major drain on your resources. We deliver unique Warehouse Management solutions, plugging in the latest tools and relevant APIs to create a single-source of governance.
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Key Benefits
The ability to stay on top of dynamic shifts and requirements
Elimination of unnecessary costs by optimizing purchase orders
Waste minimization by end-to-end stock realignment
Reduction in effort and timelines by removing redundant tasks
Automation of key activities like barcoding and shipment labeling
Increased revenue via rapid order processing and shipment

Improve Productivity from Top Floor to Shop Floor

The HokuApps platform for manufacturing provides them with an edge to stay competitive by improving productivity, engagement with stakeholders, equipment management, smooth work deployment, and inventory management.
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Explore More Solutions From Manufacturing Industry
Production Operations Management

Production Operations Management

Digitalize production with a comprehensive app, monitoring product lifecycles, managing events shop floor, conducting billing procedures and handling CRM
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Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management

Gain a bird’s eye view of the complete supply chain, reducing the time to delivery and accessing insights into future manufacturing requirements
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Quality Control Management

Quality Control Management

Execute all your processes & material production goals in line with corp. guidelines, using real-time data to improve quality and address complaints
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Workforce Management

Workforce Management

Use our Cloud-based or on-premise workforce management solutions to expertly govern your employee base and capture real-time alerts via HR dashboards
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