HokuApps Platform helps turn ideas into innovative business solutions incredibly FAST
About HokuApps
Innovate, Modernize and Transform with HokuApps Platform


Plan, build and run your digital future to innovate faster than the competition.
Mobile Application Development Platform

With our mobile application development platform, organizations can build and deploy mobile apps customized to their unique ecosystem in a radically short time frame.

Mobile Application Development Platform
Data Integration Platform

Gain visibility with on-demand business intelligence and create unified dashboards, all by connecting together your disparate systems spread across your organization.

Data Integration Platform
Rapid Application Development Platform

From creating solutions for complex business workflows to connecting different business systems, our rapid application development platform gives you the ability to realize your vision of an agile organization.

Rapid Application Development Platform
Build and Deploy Solutions in Days or Weeks (Not Months)
PTI QCS connected data across its multiple enterprise resource planning systems
Big Red Environmental Group created a full-fledged mobile app integrated with existing systems
Automobile Retail
Automobile Retail
Teddy Nissan implemented a centralized sales management solution to improve visibility and manageability
Enabling Enterprise Mobility for Your Business
Custom Mobile Apps Instantly
幸运飞行艇官方开奖 Custom Mobile Apps Instantly

Develop and extend your existing enterprise systems by quickly creating turnkey mobile applications using our reusable components for custom workflows.

Real-time Data on Mobile
Real-time Data on Mobile

Get real-time visibility with customized metrics and dashboards, to maneuver your enterprise in the right direction, with data-driven decisions.

Roofing Southwest Runs Anywhere, Anytime
Roofing Southwest Runs Anywhere, Anytime

Next generation mobile productivity by enabling real-time collaboration between field engineers.

How You Can Build a Robust Mobility Strategy
How You Can Build a Robust Mobility Strategy

With mobility becoming mainstream, CIOs are left scrambling to solve security and app development challenges. HokuApps platform can go a long way in easing these challenges.

Customers Driving Digital Transformation
The Rapid Rise of Mobile App Development Platforms
The Rapid Rise of Mobile App Development Platforms
What Is Rapid Application Development Platform
What Is Rapid Application Development Platform
Improving Efficiency with Custom Apps and Workflows
Improving Efficiency with Custom Apps and Workflows
How to Integrate BPM into Application Modernization
How to Integrate BPM into Application Modernization
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